At least, that is the intention of the new structure plan, which has been available for public consultation since 8 September until 6 November 2023:
A section of it for Walchwil:
The very popular, narrow hiking trail from the village via Usseregg to the Walchwilerberg should therefore be officially allowed to be used as a downhill trail from Forchwaldstrasse. Even though most bikers carefully pass by hikers, there are unfortunately always those who recklessly thunder downhill, frightening and endangering hikers.
The very beautiful hiking trail, which branches off from Hinterbegstrasse shortly above the centre of Elisabeth and leads to point 840, should now also be considered a downhill trail. So far I haven't met any bikers on this narrow, partly blocked path. However, this should change as soon as the new official map for the cantonal bicycle network is approved and published by the cantonal council.
Alois Weber, Walchwil