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Das Portal für ein lebendiges Walchwil

Walchwil forecasts a revenue surplus in the 2025 budget

The municipal council is forecasting an income surplus of CHF 1ʹ726ʹ300 for 2025 and an unchanged tax rate of 53 per cent.

The income statement for 2025 envisages expenses of CHF 25.70 million and income of CHF 27.43 million. This results in an income surplus of CHF 1.73 million. This budgeted surplus is based on an unchanged tax rate of 53%.

Compared to the 2024 budget, expenditure for the current budget is CHF 0.27 million higher. There are three main reasons for this: Firstly, personnel costs are increasing due to a new position in the construction/planning department, more childcare staff at the lunch table, increases in workloads and salary adjustments. Secondly, material and operating costs are increasing, for example for new lake accesses, road maintenance and LED lighting. Thirdly, financial expenses are increasing as more taxpayers are deducting discounts by paying their bills early. On the other hand, the contribution to the canton of Zug for the National Fiscal Equalisation (NFA) will be eliminated.

The 2025 budget also envisages an increase in revenue of CHF 0.76 million compared to the previous year. This is despite the fact that less income from property gains tax is expected. Tax income is also budgeted to be lower because the eighth partial revision of the Tax Act introduced various tax relief measures for natural persons. To cushion this loss of income, the canton of Zug will pay the municipalities a solidarity contribution for a limited period from 2024 to 2027.

Important projects can be implemented thanks to budget discipline

‘It's great to see that the municipality of Walchwil is in a good position and has its expenditure under control,’ says Mayor Stefan Hermann. In the coming years, important investments are planned that will characterise the village. These include the school extension, the redesign of the Werk-/Ökihof and the centre planning, which will change the appearance of the village. ‘Thanks to our responsible financial policy, these major projects can be tackled,’ says Hermann.

Investments of CHF 1.19 million are planned for 2025. Of this, CHF 185,000 will be spent on road renovations.In addition, CHF 30,000 is planned for the completion of the local planning and CHF 50,000 for the centre arch.CHF 190,000 is newly planned for the renovation of the buoy field and CHF 280,000 for the replacement of the heat pump in the Oberstufen school building.In addition, the two major planning credits for the school extension and the Werk-/Ökihof are to be submitted to the municipal assembly. CHF 150,000 and CHF 100,000 have already been taken into account for these projects. CHF 165,000 has been budgeted in the investment account for a new municipal vehicle.

Walchwil municipal council

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